Today, Saskatoon. Tomorrow, the World.
Our 2017-2018 President is going to lead an IABC International task force, but before he does, Dan Gold reflects on his presidential year.
Two words: thank you.
Thank you for being a part of the IABC Saskatoon community.
Thank you for making the most of the professional development and networking opportunities that we have facilitated.
Thank you for being a part of our vision to have communicators at the heart of every organization.
The 2018 IABC Saskatoon AGM marked the end of my term. As I handed over the presidential mantle to Ben Borne, I feel great pride in what our team has achieved in such a short period of time. Some of my highlights include:
- Celebrating our 35th Anniversary at our fall mixer, which doubled up as a fundraiser for STARS Air Ambulance.
- Ben Borne created a submission for the IABC Chapter Management Awards and we won a merit award in the Strategic Alignment category. This recognizes that the work we are doing at a local level is on par with the IABC International strategic framework.
- Connected with other business groups such as The Usadians Executive Association to advocate the importance of professional communicators.
- Cameron Meier and Colin McHattie worked tirelessly on delivering PD events – including a knock out communications leadership panel in March 2018.
- Chapter members have taken part in internationally recognized professional certification programs provided by GCCC. Tricia Zinkowski has been a wonderful beacon for this program.
- Created a subcommittee lead by Andrea Lauder to conceptualize and deliver an event for the fall of 2018 – CommuniCon.
- Our sponsorship partners have gone above and beyond as ever, providing services and funds to ensure that our association is not only sustainable, but growing long term. Thank you Andrew Kudel.
- Our finances have been rigorously overseen by Wadzie Mukura. We ensured that funds in the bank account are gaining a better interest rate. Every cent in the account is dedicated to the programming we produce.
- Veronique Loewen has provided support and guidance to the board as our senior delegate, our ongoing goal is to produce value for members’ new, established and long term.
- We are reinventing how our own communications channels are delivering value thanks to the leadership of Kailey Lavallee.
- Krystal Rudyk and Heidy Abramyk created and delivered the new IABC Saskatoon mentorship program which has a bright future ahead by connecting members from across the chapter.
On a personal note, words cannot express my gratitude and thanks for your support during my presidential year. Leading IABC Saskatoon has been an honour, pleasure and a mighty learning curve.
We have worked hard to create a solid platform for the next IABC programming year which kicks off in the fall. My role will be to support Ben and I look forward to being there in an advisory role.
Alicia Edgelow and Shaun Dyer (former IABC Saskatoon Presidents) said to me that volunteering for IABC means so much more than giving back to your community. This is the greatest place to try something and fail. Treat it like a real business, but know you’re in a safe environment that you can learn from mistakes. I have tried things that I have never done before. I have learned new skills and more about myself.
I encourage you to do the same. Personally, I get 100 times the value of my membership by volunteering and being a part of the organization.
As I ride off into the sunset, I take on the role of chair of an IABC international task force called Panel of Producers. The aim is to build on the great work we do using video, audio and graphics across every region from Asia Pacific to Europe, Middle East and North Africa, to the American regions and beyond.
Dan Gold
Chair – IABC Panel of Producers Task Force
Past President – IABC Saskatoon