Do you want to meet other chapter members and continue to grow your skills as a communicator? Well, IABC Saskatoon’s mentorship program is one of the best ways to do just that! This informal mentorship program allows communicators at every skill and experience level to be paired up with fellow communicators.

At the beginning of each calendar year, participants can sign up to be a mentor, mentee, or both. Participants also get to select their top three interests to get mentored in and/or to mentor someone in. Based on their top interests, pairs of mentors and mentees are set up. IABC Saskatoon will assist in the initial connection of the pairs. Then it’s up to the pair to stay in contact and continue the mentor/mentee relationship for as long as they like. We have resources to share that’ll help participants through the mentorship process.

Finding matches begins again the next year. Once again, mentors and mentees pick the top three areas they would like to mentor and/or get mentored in. Then the pairs are set up again. We’ve found this is a flexible way to network and grow skill sets while giving back to the profession. We love it when everybody wins!

Are you interested in signing up for the mentorship program? Email us to receive notifications when the next mentorship round begins.

Read our benefits of mentoring post.