Let’s partner up!

IABC Saskatoon doesn’t run on membership dollars alone – we have an amazing group of sponsors who support our initiatives through in-kind and cash donations. We owe a huge thank you to 2WebDesign, Birmingham’s Vodka & Ale House, Radisson Hotel, Studio D, and Varial Hosting for their continued support.

That being said…there’s an opportunity for you too!

IABC Saskatoon is looking for creative ways to partner with local businesses to support our purpose of advancing the profession, creating connection, and developing strategic communicators. Common sponsorship opportunities including funding for professional development events or resources to help with our operations.

Let’s exchange hopes and dreams.

Something we’d like to try this year is to focus on how we can offer base-level sponsor recognition, but also help out your organization. Communicators are skilled writers, public speaking coaches, media relations experts, and strategic thinkers. Perhaps there’s a way we can add value to your sponsorship package over and above our base offering, utilizing the skillset found around our board table and in our membership.

Contact me if you’re interested in partnering with us:

Ben Borne, President


  • October 2, 2018 By iabcsaskatoon