IABC Hong Kong 2018 Symposium on China
The Hong Kong chapter will hold a symposium on “Communications in China: New perspectives on leadership” in May.
The symposium will feature three sessions on the core topics surrounding communications in China, each with a unique “Impulse Statement” by a leading researcher, along with presentations by regional and China-based practitioners. Speakers will discuss topics including:
- Public relations and the media
- Stakeholder relations
- Employee communications
Tickets are available at:
https://www.eventbrite.hk/e/iabc-hong-kong-2018-symposium-on-china-new-perspectives-on-leadership-tickets-44660566958, or
For more information: http://iabchk.com/event/iabc-hong-kong-2018-symposium-on-china
For enquiries: iabchk2018symposium@gmail.com