Benefits of mentoring
A common question we hear is “how do I get a mentor?”
It’s a bit intimidating to approach someone to help show you the ropes and unsolicited emails just don’t pack the intended punch. On the other hand, you might be interested in offering your experiences and advice, but your friends and family are sick of hearing it so you’re looking for a more appropriate audience that will appreciate what you have to say.
Lucky for you, IABC Saskatoon has taken most of the work out of finding a mentor. All you have to do is sign up then you can take advantage of these benefits of mentoring.
Benefits of becoming a mentor
You’ll share stories, lessons learned, and your expertise while giving back to the comms community by helping to shape future leaders. You’ll expand your leadership and coaching skills. Mentors get a sense of satisfaction by helping someone grow. Heck you might even learn a thing or two about yourself in the process as you re-examine your own work and techniques.
Here’s what mentor Lana Haight had to say about the program, “I appreciate the mentorship program because it provides opportunities to meet and connect professionally with people working in industries different than mine. We can learn so much from each other, while chatting on a walk during the lunch hour, eating lunch together, or getting together for coffee. Because those paired in the program meet when it’s convenient for them, it’s super flexible.”
Benefits of becoming a mentee
You’ll get insider know how, practical advice, and support. You’ll learn from someone who has been down a similar path before to grow your skills and confidence. Make valuable industry connections and you can also new friends while you’re at it!
That’s exactly what Andrea Lauder said she liked about the program, “I think the benefit for me was connecting with some seasoned Saskatoon communicators, people who had been either with a Saskatoon corporation or consulting on their own for a long time. There’s a wealth of knowledge in this city and I appreciate having the opportunity to access it.”
Benefits of becoming a participant
Above all else, mentorship is a shared learning experience. Participants will learn new ideas and ways of thinking by sharing their experiences and insights. We like to believe there is almost always something to be learned out of every conversation and interaction. Participants will also get to sharpen their interpersonal and communication skills by actively listening to develop mutually beneficial relationships as well as through giving and receiving feedback and advice. The mentorship program is an opportunity for both mentees and mentors to meet new people and to develop important connections and networks.
Here’s what one participant had to say about the mentorship program
“To me, one of the most valuable IABC benefits is the connections with other communications professionals in Saskatoon, and the mentorship program has been a really great way to enhance that. I don’t have any formal PR training, but if falls under my purview at work, so having a mentor who with extensive experience both working within and communicating with the media has been incredibly helpful to me. Formalizing that connection through the mentorship program made me feel much more comfortable reaching out to ask specific questions and get advice on current projects I have going on. It’s helped in measurable ways at work, not to mention the valuable and enjoyable personal connection that’s come out of it as well. I’ll definitely be participating in the program again.” – Krystal Rudyk
Sign up to grow or share your expertise in the following categories:
- Social media strategy
- Media relations/PR
- Corporate communications/strategy
- Crisis communications
- Digital Marketing
- Writing (copywriting, content creation, etc.)
- Visual communications
- Other – includes event planning, internal comms, leadership/management, entrepreneurship
About the mentorship program
IABC Saskatoon’s mentorship program kicks off this month! Apply now to be a mentor, mentee, or both! If you participated last year and want to be a part of the mentorship program again, please apply again and let us know if you’d like to update your areas of interest or status in the program (mentor, mentee, or both). If you would like to continue your mentorship with your partner from last year, you can continue to do so whether you decided to focus on that relationship or add another match to your plate. Click here for more info.
FAQ about the mentorship program
Q: When does IABC Saskatoon’s mentorship program begin?
A: The mentorship program kicks off annually in January. Participants can state their interest in the year at anytime for the following year by emailing membership.iabcyxe@gmail.com.
Q: How do I apply to be a mentor, mentee, or both?
A: Email membership.iabcyxe@gmail.com by January 31, 2019 to apply for that year.
Q: Do I have to reapply if I was a part of the mentorship program last year?
A: Yes, please apply again and let us know if you’d like to update your areas of interest or status in the program (mentor, mentee, or both). You can continue your mentorship with your partner from last year, and/or add another match to your plate.
Q: Do I have to be an IABC member to participate?
A: Yes, the mentorship program is only open to IABC Saskatoon members.
Q: How does an informal mentorship work?
A: Informal mentorship, in our case, is unstructured and is a result of an introduction of the pairs by IABC Saskatoon. We leave it up to the pairs to decide how often you want to meet, although we suggest a preliminary agreement of meeting an hour each month for six months.
Q: How are the pairs made?
A: IABC Saskatoon will review all mentorship program applications and make pairs based on professional interests and experiences.
Q: What are the interest areas for the mentorship program?
A: The interest areas include: social media strategy, media relations/PR, corporate communications/strategy, crisis communications, digital marketing, writing (copywriting, content creation, etc.), visual communications, other – includes event planning, internal comms, leadership/management, entrepreneurship
Q: How do we connect with our mentorship partner once we are matched?
A: Meetings can happen in person, via phone calls or texts, through email or social media. Pairs are encouraged to determine the approach that works best for them. This includes agreeing to specific times you’ll be available for communication.
Q: Who can I contact for more information?
A: Please contact Heidi at membership.iabcyxe@gmail.com